
Attend a private afterparty with COMBICHRIST on their tour bus following their performace in your respective city.
what you get:
-minimum one hour hang on the tour bus with COMBICHRIST after the show
-exclusive VIP laminate
-exclusive signed poster
-complimentary COMBI-SNACKS
**get whatever you want signed, and take as many pictures with the band as you like!
**this does NOT include a ticket to the show.
*visit the COMBICHRIST merch booth upon entering the venue, have a copy of your receipt and an I.D. card handy. You will then receive your VIP laminate(s).
*merch person provide further instructions on how and when to attend the party following the COMBICHRIST's performance.
PLEASE NOTE! if you purchase a date that is marked as "SOLD OUT", you will receive a refund.